Palaikastro is a big village in the eastern Crete and is located 16 km from Sitia. The area of Palaikastro has great beaches, archaeological sites and generally is an area of unique natural beauty .
Agriculture is the main occupation for the local people and secondarily the tourism.
In the surrounding area of Palaikastro you can see the unique palmforest of Vai, Kouremenos, Chiona, Itanos - Erimoupoli, Maridati, Agathias and much more beautiful areas.
In the section for Palaikastro and the area around you can find all the required information for the area of Palaikastro and also you can find
Hotels in Palaikastro
Rent rooms in Palaikastro
Apartmetns for rent in Palaikastro
Taverns in Palaikastro
Restaurants in Palaikastro
- Cafe - Bar in Palaikastro
Palaikastro is ideal for calm and relaxing holidays away from the crowds the noise and the city stress.